Gloo is the trusted platform that connects ministry leaders to
Data & Insights
so their people flourish and their organizations thrive
Equip Your Ministry
With Gloo Discover, you'll find trusted resources to help you in your ministry
Everyday Ministry Resources
See allEverything you need for the
Sunday Experience
Staying Engaged throughout
the Summer
Keep your people plugged in
Unlock Engagement
Resources for Your Entire Staff
See allSpecialized Solutions
See allGet Resources from Brands You Trust
Communication Made Easy
With Gloo Messaging, you'll get 2x more engagement over email and up to 98% open rates
Simple to use with a number
we provide just to you
we provide just to you
Scheduling and automation
that saves time
that saves time
Integrates with the tools
you already use
you already use
Connect with New People
With Gloo Explorer Connections, you can serve new people that want to connect with you
There are people
who want help
who want help
Your church wants
to serve people
to serve people
Release the Collective Might of Your Ministry
Create your account to get started.