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Thess Bar

How It Works

Thess Bars Are Nutritious Meal Bars with a Mission

Thess Bar is more than a nutritious meal bar; it is a restorative outreach tool. Uniquely designed for the impoverished, Thess Bar provides delicious nutrition. On every wrapper, the QR code offers Gospel hope and genuine relational connection. These inner essentials promote renewal of the mind, body and spirit, enabling positive change from the inside out. It is distributed by organizations and individuals who are deeply passionate about serving the marginalized, eagerly looking for new ways to make meaningful impact to those in need.

An Explorer Encounters the Gospel

On each bar, there is a QR code that takes Explorers to a page that presents the gospel, provides resources, and encourages them to get connected to learn more.

The Explorer’s Response is Routed to the Closest Church Partner–That’s You!

Gloo sends a message directly to you, a volunteer, or someone from your team, including the Explorers contact information and details on why they wanted to connect. You can message them directly in-app, assign them to a member of your ministry team, and update their connection status.

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A Message from Thess Bar


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