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Resolution Movement

How It Works

Resolution Movement Runs Ongoing Digital Campaigns on Gloo

Resolution Movement ads are run on TikTok and aim to engage those who want to get connected to a church, no matter what stage of their journey they’re at.

An Explorer Encounters a Message of Hope and an Invitation to Connect

Resolution Movement wants Explorers to know there is an easy way to get connected to a church where they can develop meaningful relationships, find a place to belong, and grow spiritually.

The Explorer’s Response is Routed to the Closest Church Partner–That’s You!

Gloo sends a message directly to you, a volunteer, or someone from your team, including the Explorers contact information and details on why they wanted to connect. You can message them directly in-app, assign them to a member of your ministry team, and update their connection status.

Visit Resolution Movement website >

Sample Ads

Video #1

Video #2