
Logikos Ministries

How It Works

Logikos Ministries Desires to Help People Truly Know God and Respond to Him.

Logikos Ministries believes everyone should have the opportunity to hear about Jesus and feel empowered as they start or continue their walk with God.

An Explorer Experiences Engaging Content and an Invitation to Connect

Through captivating, caring, and engaging content on various social media platforms, Logikos provides hope and encouragement to Explorers on their faith journey. Explorers are then encouraged to take a next step and talk with someone.

The Explorer’s Response is Routed to the Closest Church Partner–That’s You!

Gloo sends a message directly to you, a volunteer, or someone from your team, including the Explorers contact information and details on why they wanted to connect. You can message them directly in-app, assign them to a member of your ministry team, and update their connection status.

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