
Life Without Limbs

How It Works

Life Without Limbs Hosts the Big Jesus Tent Event

This event is happening in Allen, TX from October 12th - 15th and 19th - 22nd. The goal is to reach 6,500+ local people with the Gospel message of hope and encouragement.

An Explorer Encounters the Gospel and Is Encouraged to Connect

After the inspiring Gospel presentation, individuals who want to accept Christ will be personally invited to a separate tent where live responders will offer prayer and ensure they fully comprehend what it means to follow Jesus. Explorers will then be encouraged to get connected to a local church for continued support on their faith journey

The Explorer’s Response is Routed to the Closest Church Partner–That’s You!

Gloo sends a message directly to you, a volunteer, or someone from your team, including the Explorers contact information and details on why they wanted to connect. You can message them directly in-app, assign them to a member of your ministry team, and update their connection status.

Visit The Big Jesus Tent website >

Past Event Photos


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