
Anthony O'Neal

How It Works

Anthony O'Neal is Passionate About Financial Flourishing

Through courses, tools, resources, and events, Anthony helps people live debt-free lives that are full of purpose and possibility.

Anthony O'Neal Also Invites Explorers to Connect with a Local Church Community

Anthony openly talks about his faith and how it informs his decisions around money and relationships. On his social channels and live events, he invites people to connect with a local church for community and/or prayer.

The Explorer’s Response is Routed to the Closest Church Partner–That’s You!

Gloo sends a message directly to you, a volunteer, or someone from your team, including the Explorers contact information and details on why they wanted to connect. You can message them directly in-app, assign them to a member of your ministry team, and update their connection status.

View Anthony O'Neal's Website >