
AI & the Church

“We believe it is a moral imperative to responsibly use technology to advance
human flourishing.
AI is a powerful technology that should better enable,
not replace, relationships.” 

- Scott Beck, CEO at Gloo

Faith & AI: See the Latest Research


Religion News

New Study Reveals Christian Views on Ethical Uses of AI

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Religion News

Differing Views Among Pastors and Christians on Artificial Intelligence

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Religion News

Majority of US Parents Have Concerns About AI But Know Little About It

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PR Newswire

What Ministry Leaders Think About AI & The Church

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New & Noteworthy


Religion News

Gloo Announces Second Annual AI & the Church Hackathon

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Christianity Today

AI Preachers and Teachers? with Brad Hill

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Christianity Today

Brad Hill: AI and Its Impact on the Church

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Gloo Blog

Everything Church Leaders Need to Know About AI

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Church Executive

AI & the Church: Entering the Next Industrial Revolution

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GNA News

AI and The Church

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Christianity Today

Hackers Try to Take AI to Church

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Moody Radio

AI and Faith: A Conversation with Steele Billings

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Religion News

Gloo Awards $250,000 to AI & the Church Hackathon Winners

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PR Newswire

What Ministry Leaders Think About AI & The Church

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Faith Based AI Initiative Give Churches Ability to Spread the Word

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AI Hackathon with prizes from a $1MM funding pool

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New: AI & the Church Hub on Gloo

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Gloo Launches AI & the Church Initiative

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Our Statement on AI & the Church


With the release and advancement of widely available tools from organizations including OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and Adobe, the conversation around AI has reached a tipping point. For the global faith ecosystem, the timing presents both an opportunity and a responsibility to not just be part of the conversation but to help drive the conversation.

We believe it is a moral imperative to responsibly use technology to advance human flourishing. AI is a powerful technology that should better enable, not replace, relationships.

While we acknowledge the possibility for positive impact, we are also aware of the potential for harm if misused. For this reason, we are deeply committed  to connecting and serving the faith ecosystem with responsible approaches to AI and a strong set of standards for its appropriate use in ministry.

As AI transforms various aspects of culture, the Church has a responsibility to actively participate and lead in the global dialogue on its moral, ethical, legal, and human rights implications.

Gloo pledges to connect and serve the global Church by convening diverse subject matter experts and faith representatives to provide sound, thoughtful, and yet confident leadership in the realm of AI. Ultimately, this releases the collective might of the Church and the passion in every person to champion the growth of another. This way, every person can fully become all that they were created to be.


Let's Connect!

Want to learn more about the initiative and get updates as new events, news, tech, and opportunities become available? Share more details about your interest and we’ll be in touch soon.

AI & The Church